Wednesday, 5 September 2012

New Year Resolutions

I forgot to post this one, but the resolutions are going well for once!

It's that time again. Perhaps i've had too much time to think about what to do in 2012. But here goes...

  1. Bring back the romance - some work to do and had a lovely 15 wedding anniversary
  2. Learn Golf - ah, not done this one, maybe next year
  3. Enjoy the gym . . . regularly - loving it!
  4. Move house - well, we've found a house, just need a mortgage now, how hard can that be?
  5. Lose Weight - I'm on it!

  1. Train our people
  2. Build profit from our own Solutions
  3. Take a leadership course
I would say 25% done at the moment, 75% to go, better than some years, 4 months to improve before the next champagne fueled annual promises!

Optimistic flush from a Jolly Fat Man

A quick note on diet and exercise. Having spent the summer with a fit of 'the lazies' and finding my sedentary digital lifestyle getting more and more sofa bound I have upgraded.

So in comes wifi connected scales, food diary, auto life tracker (steps, stair climbs), body fat % measuring and most importantly a great new personal trainer who is hooked up to all of it. 2 gym sessions a week with Dan plus a swim and a free session, let's see if all this measuring, monitoring and fitness causes a 'Jovial overweight fellow' (as a Dr recently described me in a life insurance medical!) to lose the 16 kilograms (35 lbs) of excess fat he is carrying.

According to the scales my body fat should be 15kgs maximum. Currently it's 31kgs, the makes goal setting pretty easy.

If so I shall become a good case study for Withings ( wifi scales) and Fitbit ( food diary and life monitor), not only that but perhaps I can look a little less like Billy Bunter on my profile picture!